Thursday, August 5, 2010


Please research this yourself before deciding to eat or not!


In Tamil Nadu, in Salem area on the road from Salem to Coimbatore there are many saboodana factories.  We start getting terribly bad smell when we are about 2 kms away from the factories.
Saboodana is made by root like sweet potato.  Kerala has this root each weighing about 6kgs.  Factory owners buy these roots in bulk during
season, make it to pulp and put it in pits of about 40ft x 25ft.  Pits are in open ground and the pulp is allowed to rot for several months. 
Thousands of tons of roots rot in pits.There are huge electric bulbs throughout the night where millions of insects fall in the pits.
While pulp is rotting, water is added everyday due to which 2” long white colour eel is automatically born like pests are born  automatically in gutter.The walls of pits are covered by millions of eels and factory owners with the help of machine crush the pulp with  the eels which also become paste.This action is repeated many times during 5-6 months.
The pulp is thus ready as roots and millions & millions of pests and insects crushed and pasted together.This paste is then passed through round mesh and made into small balls and then polished.This is 
 Now I know why many people don’t eat Saboodana treating this as  non-vegetarian.

 If you find it appropriate and if you think after reading this one cannot relish Saboodana, pass on to those whom you want to save from this tasty food

 Khalil Mahiti  mail marfat milali aahe -- Tyatil mahite Khara aahe yavar pratekane research karun vishvas thevava

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